

Besides the Inbox login system, the long-term database and archive storage, the ingestion pipeline employs a microservice architecture with the following components:

Ingestion Architecture and Connected Components

The reference implementation uses a microservice architecture with an internal database, a staging area and a local broker, for the ingestion pipeline.

Service Description Status
db A Postgres database with appropriate schemas, for saving the pipeline internals.
mq A RabbitMQ message broker with appropriate accounts, exchanges, queues and bindings. We use a federated queue to get messages from CentralEGA's broker and shovels to send answers back.
handler Splits the Crypt4GH header, decrypts the file, checksums its content and move the data portion to the storage backend. In charge of creating multiple backups of it.

We assume the files are already uploaded in the Inbox login system. For a given Local EGA, Central EGA selects the associated vhost and drops, in the upstream queue, one message per file to ingest, with type=ingest.

On the Local EGA side, a worker retrieves this message, finds the associated file in the inbox, splits its Crypt4GH header, decrypts its data portion (aka its payload), checksums its content, and moves the payload to a staging area (with a temporary name). The files are read chunk by chunk in order to bound the memory usage.

A message is then sent to Central EGA with the checksum of the decrypted content (ie the original file) requesting an Accession ID. A message with type=accession comes back via the upstream queue.

The reference implementation includes a backup step, to store 2 copies of the payload. This is obviously for illustration purposes only, as all Local EGA instance will probably already have their own backup system (such as Ceph, for example).

The backend store can be either a regular file system on disk, or an S3 object storage. The reference implementation can interface to a POSIX compliant file system. In order to use an S3-backed storage, the Local EGA system administrator can use s3fs-fuse, or update the code (as it was once done and is now offloaded to our swedish and finnish partners).

If any of the above steps generates an error, we exit the workflow and log the error. In case the error is related to a misuse from the user, such as submitting to the wrong Local EGA or tempering with the encrypted file, the error is forwarded to Central EGA in order to be displayed for the user. If not, the error is left for a Local EGA system administrator to handle.

Upon completion, the accession id, the header, and the archive paths are saved in a separate long-term database, specific for each Local EGA. The reference implementation provides one for illustration, and saves a few more useful bits of information such as the payload size and checksum. This allows a system administrator to do data curation regularly.

Service Description Status
db A Postgres database. See the long-term database schema, for an example.
storage A POSIX file system or an S3-backed disk
handler Saves the final message from the pipeline into the above external long-term database.


A reference implementation can be found in the Local EGA Github repository. We containerized the code and use Docker to deploy it.

Since there are several components, we provide a docker-compose files with some settings, and a README for the deployment.

Finally, there is also a fake Central EGA instance, to demonstrate the connection by triggering some messages:

make example                  # Encrypt a random file
make sftp                     # Connect user John with password: john
put data/example.txt.c4gh     # Upload the file to the inbox

Fake CEGA will trigger the ingestion message as soon as it receives the upload of this new file. Fake CEGA will also send the accession message when requested, and, after the completed message is received, it will finally send the release message. To verify that the communication went well, the database can be queried. First use make psql, then run this SQL command:

select * from file_table;

    stable_id     | filesize | display_name | extension | created_by_db_user |          created_at           | edited_by_db_user |           edited_at
 EGAF900000000001 |     2200 | example.txt  |           | lega               | 2024-01-30 14:59:15.862122+00 | lega              | 2024-01-30 14:59:15.862122+00
(1 row)

If everything went well, the file example.txt must exist and have an accession. Please, note that accessions sent by Fake CEGA start at EGAF900000000001, and any new file uploaded to the inbox will issue a new accession, regardless of its content (as opposed to what Central EGA does, as it issues content-based accessions). Bear in mind that this sequence will be restarted after a database rebuilding.

Then, run this other command:

select * from dataset_table;

    stable_id    | title | description | access_type | is_released | is_deprecated | created_by_db_user |          created_at           | edited_by_db_user |          edited_at
 EGAD90000000123 |       |             | controlled  | t           | f             | lega               | 2024-01-30 14:59:15.873562+00 | lega              | 2024-01-30 14:59:15.87962+00
(1 row)

If the release message was received, this very same information should be returned. Fake CEGA always sends a release message for this dataset EGAD90000000123, regardless the file uploaded to the inbox.

The reference implementation can be deployed locally, using docker-compose (suitable for testing or local development).

There is no need to pre/re-generate the docker images, because they are automatically generated on docker hub, and will be pulled in when booting the LocalEGA instance. This includes a reference implementation of the Inbox login system. That said, executing make -j 4 images will generate them locally.

You can clean up the local instance using make down.


Production deployments: Our partners developed alternative bootstrap methods for Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. Those methods allow you to deploy a LocalEGA instance in a production environment, including scaling and monitoring/healthcheck.