Data Distribution


The distribution service is a server mounting a FUSE filesystem per user automatically to stitch Crypt4GH headers to file payloads and serve them over SFTP. The headers are specially re-encrypted for each user on-the-fly, and dataset permissions are checked live.

It comprises the following components:

Distribution Architecture and Connected Components

The reference implementation uses a microservice architecture with an internal database, a long-term storage compatible with FUSE, and a SFTP server connected to this FUSE FS.

Service Description Status
outbox SFTP server, in read-only mode, where user credentials come from Central EGA
db The long-term database. In charge of reencrypting the file's header with the user's public key
vault The long-term storage.
fuse FUSE filesystem mounted per user which fetches the file payload internally and prepares streaming in Crypt4GH format using the provided reencrypted header.


A reference implementation can be found in the Local EGA Distribution Github repository.

Since there are several components, we provide several README for the deployment of each: NSS, PAM and SFTP server, as well as, new functions that must be added to the main database.

To test that the deployment works, receiving a permission for user jane can be triggered by make permission. Bear in mind that this requires to have run the ingestion test, so there is at least one file successfully archived and the dataset EGAD90000000123 is released. Then you can run:

sftp jane@localhost                                                         # Connect user Jane with password: jane
get example.txt.c4gh                                                        # download the file
crypt4gh decrypt --sk cega/users/jane.key < example.txt.c4gh > example.txt  # decrypt the file downloaded with jane's key
diff example.txt data/example.txt                                           # compare content of the decrypted file and the original one